Online Resources
Academic Search Complete
Features thousands of full-text journals covering a broad range of academic subjects.
Acland’s Video Atlas of Human Anatomy
Series of anatomy lessons on video using unembalmed human specimens to illustrate anatomical structures.
American Doctoral Dissertations, 1933-1955
Provides electronic access to the only comprehensive record of dissertations accepted by American universities from 1933–1955.
Artstor brings together more than 2 million images from top museums, archives, scholars, and artists and provides tools for teaching and learning with visual materials.
ATLA Plus Religion Database
The premier index to journal articles, book reviews, and essays in the fields of religion, theology, biblical studies. Produced by the American Theological Library Association.
Black Thought and Culture
Covers the non-fiction published works of leading African Americans as well as interviews, journal articles, speeches, essays, pamplets, letters and other material.
Business Source Complete
A database of scholarly materials related to business, management, and economics that includes articles, case studies, company profiles, and economic reports.
Christian Century
A magazine containing topics around thinking critically, living faithfully, and exploring what it means to believe and live out the Christian faith in our time. Along with the magazine publishing, the site also hosts blogs and podcasts. For access, please email
Chronicle of Higher Education
Source of news, information, and reports related to Higher Education; includes full-text articles from September 1989 through the current issue.
Chronicle of Philanthropy
Source of news, information, and reports for nonprofit leaders, fund raisers, grant makers, and other people involved in the philanthropic enterprise.
CINAHL Ultimate
Comprehensive research reference tool for nursing and allied health professionals; includes the full text of more than 1,300 journals.
Classical Music Reference Library
Full-text reference materials about Western classical music, including Baker’s Dictionary of Music and Baker’s Biographical Dictionary of Musicians.
Classical Scores Library
A collection of some of the most important classical scores and manuscripts.
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews
A collection of full-text articles, systematic reviews, and meta-analyses that provide key resources for evidence-based medicine.
Communication & Mass Media Complete
Provides some full-text articles as well as abstracting and indexing of key journals in the fields of communication and mass media.
Consumer Health Complete
Provides consumer-oriented health content and covers key topics across the health and wellness spectrum – from mainstream medicine to complementary, holistic and integrated medicine.
Counseling and Therapy in Video – Volume 1
Streaming videos for students of counseling, social work, psychotherapy, psychology, and psychiatric counseling.
EBSCO Ebooks
Multidisciplinary database of electronic books from major academic, scientific, technical, medical and professional publishers.
Education Source
Full-text journal articles and book chapters on a variety of topics in education including curriculum, standards, and special education.
Education Resource Information Center (ERIC)
Provides citations and abstracts as well as some full-text articles and documents in the field of education.
Environment Complete
Contains articles on ecology, pollution, urban planning, and related subjects.
Films on Demand
A collection of films in the Humanities and Social Sciences including Communication, Education, English, History, Psychology, and Sociology.
Gale Virtual Reference Library
Search the full-text of thousands of reference works and encyclopedias across a variety of subjects.
Garland Encyclopedia of World Music
Articles and audio tracks focused on music research of all the world’s peoples.
Harper’s Weekly
Search the full-text of Harper’s Weekly, America’s leading 19th century illustrated newspaper, from 1857 until 1912.
Health Source
Contains articles from many scholarly journals as well as other resources focusing on a variety of medical disciplines.
Historical Statistics of the United States
The standard source for quantitative facts and statistical information about the United Stated including economic, demographic, and crime data.
Humanities E-Book
Provides full-text access to a scholarly collection of ebooks in most humanities disciplines.
InfoLit: Health Science
InfoLit: Health Science provides a foundation in information literacy and critical thinking. It includes information about evidence-based practice, research and search help, Health Science resources, how to understand and use research sources, and a glossary of Health Science terms. Each section includes videos, tutorials, and quizzes.
Journals in the fields of physics, mathematics, engineering, chemistry and biology, with some full-text access.
IPA Source
International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) transcriptions and literal translations of opera arias and art song texts.
Contains the full text and complete back runs of scholarly journals in a variety of academic disciplines.
Library, Information Science, & Technology Abstracts (LISTA)
Indexes periodicals and other materials in the fields of library science, information science, and technology.
Medline Ultimate
Full-text articles from academic journals in the fields of medicine, nursing, and biology.
Mergent (previously Hoover’s Online)
A business database that provides basic company reports and in-depth reports on a variety of companies and organizations.
Ministry Matters
Full-text biblical and theological reference materials.
Morningstar Investment Research Center
Research financial information such as the New York Stock Exchange prices, mutual fund ratings, and reports on exchange traded funds.
National Directory of Nonprofit Associations
Provides contact and basic factual information on the largest nonprofit organizations in the United States.
NAXOS Music Library
Stream audio tracks from the world’s largest online classical music library.
New Testament Abstracts
Abstracts of articles covering the New Testament.
Nexis Uni (formerly Lexis-Nexis Academic)
Provides the full text of many newspapers published nationally and internationally.
New York Times
Enjoy a no cost to you subscription to New York Times All Access. This includes News, Games, Cooking, Wirecutter, and The Athletic. For information on how to sign up for your account, please visit our New York Times Guide.
Niche Academy
Provides short video tutorials that explain how to use library databases and research essentials.
Nursing Education in Video
Videos cover the fundamentals of nurse training with demonstrations of technical procedures and complex patient interactions.
Old Testament Abstracts
Abstracts of articles covering the Old Testament.
Open Illinois
Open Illinois facilitates the use of OER and supports training, advocacy, and coordination of cooperative efforts across the state of Illinois. This repository provides materials helpful to academic and research institutions in developing OER and advocating for OER adoption.
Oxford Music Online
Search the full text of all articles published in several important music reference resources including Grove Music Online and The Oxford Companion to Music.
Oxford Reference
Full-text, searchable access to several reference works published by Oxford University Press.
Oxford Scholarship Online
Oxford Scholarship Online offers access to thousands of academic works from the celebrated scholarly list of Oxford University press, covering subjects across the humanities, social sciences, sciences, medicine, and law.
PBS Video Collection
A collection of hundreds of documentary series from the Public Broadcasting Service’s catalog.
Policy Map
PolicyMap is an online data and mapping tool that gathers a variety of data sources to create visualizations and data rich maps.
Professional Development Collection
A comprehensive collection of full-text education journals
Project Muse
Provides the full text from a set of journals and e-books in the humanities, arts, and social sciences
ProQuest Ebook Central
Multidisciplinary database of electronic books from major academic, scientific, technical, medical and professional publishers.
ProQuest One Business
Delivers a vast selection of business-focused content from a variety of sources including newspapers, dissertations, ebooks, videos, business cases, industry reports, and more. Includes content from Business Premium Collection, ABI/INFORM, and J.P. Morgan Research.
PsycArticles (APA)
Provides the full text of journal articles published by the American Psychological Association and other psychological associations.
PsycInfo (APA)
Some full-text articles but mostly citations and abstracts in the fields of psychology and related subjects.
PsycTherapy (APA)
Offers unscripted streaming demonstration videos for teaching and learning psychotherapy techniques. Produced by the American Psychological Association. Geared toward graduates and post-graduates.
Public Health Database
A starting point for public health information and research that delivers core public health literature with access to over 800 publications with over 500 in full-text.
PubMed comprises more than 26 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. This link connects you to a localized version of PubMed that provides links to North Park resources and interlibrary loan services.
Regional Business News
Provides full-text access to regional business news, including Chicago-area publications.
Sage eReference
Access the full-text articles of several dictionaries and encyclopedias in the social sciences.
Saskia Digital Archive
A collection of images documenting both Western and Eastern cultures.
Science Direct
A leading database that provides full-text access to journals in many scientific disciplines.
Search chemistry research across disciplines. You must register for a non-NPU username and password to access this database. Register for SciFinder Access. If you have issues please contact
SocIndex with Full Text
Comprehensive and scholarly index of content related to sociology that includes some full text resources.
Database for sports and sports medicine research. Subjects include nutrition, physical therapy, occupational health, exercise physiology and kinesiology.
Sports Medicine and Exercise Science in Video
Contains lectures and video demonstrations of skills and techniques in the fields of exercise science and sports medicine.
Provides access to statistics and studies gathered by market researchers, trade organizations, scientific publications, and government sources on over 600 industries.
Symptom Media
Online Resources for mental health education and training, including video case studies and simulation activities.
University Press Scholarship Online
A vast and rapidly-expanding online research library providing full-text access to the best scholarly publishing from around the world. Access to titles in Biology, History, Law, Music, Political Science, Psychology, Religion, and Sociology with publication dates of 2020-March 2025.
UpToDate is an online, peer-reviewed clinical decision support tool with topic reviews covering symptoms, tests and diagnosis, and treatment options for over 8,500 conditions. Register for an UpToDate Account.
Wiley Online Library
Access to ebooks with the publication dates of 2020-June 2025.
Women and Social Movements
Contains full-text documents, images, and other material documenting the history of women’s social movements in the United States.
By Subject
Academic Search Complete
Features thousands of full-text journals covering a broad range of academic subjects.
EBSCO Ebooks
Multidisciplinary database of electronic books from major academic, scientific, technical, medical and professional publishers.
Gale Virtual Reference Library
Search the full-text of thousands of reference works and encyclopedias across a variety of subjects.
Contains the full text and complete back runs of scholarly journals in a variety of academic disciplines.
Niche Academy
Provides short video tutorials that explain how to use library databases and research essentials.
Enjoy a no cost to you subscription to New York Times All Access. This includes News, Games, Cooking, Wirecutter, and The Athletic. For information on how to sign up for your account, please visit our New York Times Guide.
Open Illinois facilitates the use of OER and supports training, advocacy, and coordination of cooperative efforts across the state of Illinois. This repository provides materials helpful to academic and research institutions in developing OER and advocating for OER adoption.
Oxford Scholarship Online
Oxford Scholarship Online offers access to thousands of academic works from the celebrated scholarly list of Oxford University press, covering subjects across the humanities, social sciences, sciences, medicine, and law.
Project Muse
Provides the full text from a set of journals and e-books in the humanities, arts, and social sciences.
ProQuest Ebook Central
Multidisciplinary database of electronic books from major academic, scientific, technical, medical and professional publishers.
University Press Scholarship Online
A vast and rapidly-expanding online research library providing full-text access to the best scholarly publishing from around the world.
Wiley Online Library
Access to ebooks with the publication dates of 2020-June 2025.
Artstor brings together more than 2 million images from top museums, archives, scholars, and artists and provides tools for teaching and learning with visual materials.
Classical Music Reference Library
Full-text reference materials about Western classical music, including Baker’s Dictionary of Music and Baker’s Biographical Dictionary of Musicians.
Classical Scores Library
A collection of some of the most important classical scores and manuscripts.
Garland Encyclopedia of World Music
Articles and audio tracks focused on music research of all the world’s peoples.
International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) transcriptions and literal translations of opera arias and art song texts.
NAXOS Music Library
Stream audio tracks from the world’s largest online classical music library.
Oxford Music Online
Search the full text of all articles published in several important music reference resources including Grove Music Online and The Oxford Companion to Music.
Saskia Digital Archive
A collection of images documenting both Western and Eastern cultures.
Business Source Complete
A database of scholarly materials related to business, management, and economics that includes articles, case studies, company profiles, and economic reports.
Chronicle of Philanthropy
Source of news, information, and reports for nonprofit leaders, fund raisers, grant makers, and other people involved in the philanthropic enterprise.
Mergent (previously Hoover’s Online)
A business database that provides basic company reports and in-depth reports on a variety of companies and organizations.
Morningstar Investment Research Center
Research financial information such as the New York Stock Exchange prices, mutual fund ratings, and reports on exchange traded funds.
National Directory of Nonprofit Associations
Provides contact and basic factual information on the largest nonprofit organizations in the United States.
ProQuest One Business
Delivers a vast selection of business-focused content from a variety of sources including newspapers, dissertations, ebooks, videos, business cases, industry reports, and more. Includes content from Business Premium Collection, ABI/INFORM, and J.P. Morgan Research.
Regional Business New
Provides full-text access to regional business news, including Chicago-area publications.
Provides access to statistics and studies gathered by market researchers, trade organizations, scientific publications, and government sources on over 600 industries.
Counseling and Therapy in Video – Volume 1
Streaming videos for students of counseling, social work, psychotherapy, psychology, and psychiatric counseling.
PsycTherapy (APA)
Offers unscripted streaming demonstration videos for teaching and learning psychotherapy techniques. Produced by the American Psychological Association. Geared toward graduates and post-graduates.
Symptom Media
Online Resources for mental health education and training, including video case studies and simulation activities.
Education Source
Full-text journal articles and book chapters on a variety of topics in education including curriculum, standards, and special education.
Education Resource Information Center (ERIC)
Provides citations and abstracts as well as some full-text articles and documents in the field of education.
Professional Development Collection
A comprehensive collection of full-text education journals.
Acland’s Video Atlas of Human Anatomy
Series of anatomy lessons on video using unembalmed human specimens to illustrate anatomical structures.
CINAHL Ultimate
Comprehensive research reference tool for nursing and allied health professionals; includes the full text of more than 1,300 journals.
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews
A collection of full-text articles, systematic reviews, and meta-analyses that provide key resources for evidence-based medicine.
Consumer Health Complete
Provides consumer-oriented health content and covers key topics across the health and wellness spectrum – from mainstream medicine to complementary, holistic and integrated medicine.
Health Source
Contains articles from many scholarly journals as well as other resources focusing on a variety of medical disciplines.
InfoLit: Health Science
InfoLit: Health Science provides a foundation in information literacy and critical thinking. It includes information about evidence-based practice, research and search help, Health Science resources, how to understand and use research sources, and a glossary of Health Science terms. Each section includes videos, tutorials, and quizzes.
Medline Ultimate
Full-text articles from academic journals in the fields of medicine, nursing, and biology.
Nursing Education in Video
Videos cover the fundamentals of nurse training with demonstrations of technical procedures and complex patient interactions.
Policy Map
PolicyMap is an online data and mapping tool that gathers a variety of data sources to create visualizations and data rich maps.
Public Health Database
A starting point for public health information and research that delivers core public health literature with access to over 800 publications with over 500 in full-text.
PubMed comprises more than 26 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. This link connects you to a localized version of PubMed that provides links to North Park resources and interlibrary loan services.
Database for sports and sports medicine research. Subjects include nutrition, physical therapy, occupational health, exercise physiology and kinesiology.
Sports Medicine and Exercise Science in Video
Contains lectures and video demonstrations of skills and techniques in the fields of exercise science and sports medicine.
UpToDate is an online, peer-reviewed clinical decision support t
ool with topic reviews covering symptoms, tests and diagnosis, and treatment options for over 8,500 conditions. Register for an UpToDate Account.
American Doctoral Dissertations, 1933-1955
Provides electronic access to the only comprehensive record of dissertations accepted by American universities from 1933–1955.
ATLA Plus Religion Database
The premier index to journal articles, book reviews, and essays in the fields of religion, theology, biblical studies. Produced by the American Theological Library Association.
Black Thought and Culture
A collection of films in the Humanities and Social Sciences including Communication, Education, English, History, Psychology, and Sociology.
Christian Century
A magazine containing topics around thinking critically, living faithfully, and exploring what it means to believe and live out the Christian faith in our time. Along with the magazine publishing, the site also hosts blogs and podcasts. For access, please email
Films on Demand
A collection of films in the Humanities and Social Sciences including Communication, Education, English, History, Psychology, and Sociology.
Harper’s Weekly
Search the full-text of Harper’s Weekly, America’s leading 19th century illustrated newspaper, from 1857 until 1912.
Humanities E-Book
Provides full-text access to a scholarly collection of ebooks in most humanities disciplines.
Ministry Matters
Full-text biblical and theological reference materials.
New Testament Abstracts
Abstracts of articles covering the New Testament.
Old Testament Abstracts
Abstracts of articles covering the Old Testament.
Oxford Reference
Full-text, searchable access to several reference works published by Oxford University Press.
PBS Video Collection
A collection of hundreds of documentary series from the Public Broadcasting Service’s catalog.
Environment Complete
Contains articles on ecology, pollution, urban planning, and related subjects.
Journals in the fields of physics, mathematics, engineering, chemistry and biology, with some full-text access.
PsycArticles (APA)
Provides the full text of journal articles published by the American Psychological Association and other psychological associations.
PsycInfo (APA)
Some full-text articles but mostly citations and abstracts in the fields of psychology and related subjects.
Science Direct
A leading database that provides full-text access to journals in many scientific disciplines.
Search chemistry research across disciplines. You must register for a non-NPU username and password to access this database. Register for SciFinder Access. If you have issues please contact
Provides some full-text articles as well as abstracting and indexing of key journals in the fields of communication and mass media.
The standard source for quantitative facts and statistical information about the United Stated including economic, demographic, and crime data.
Indexes periodicals and other materials in the fields of library science, information science, and technology.
Access the full-text articles of several dictionaries and encyclopedias in the social sciences.
Comprehensive and scholarly index of content related to sociology that includes some full text resources.
Chronicle of Higher Education
Source of news, information, and reports related to Higher Education; includes full-text articles from September 1989 through the current issue.
New York Times
Enjoy a no cost to you subscription to New York Times All Access. This includes News, Games, Cooking, Wirecutter, and The Athletic. For information on how to sign up for your account, please visit our New York Times Guide.
Provides the full text of many newspapers published nationally and internationally.